Quick Quiz 1 – Choose the correct idiom

English has lots of Idioms and the more you know the more fluent you will sound to a native speaker!

Below you will find a quick quiz containing 5 sentences in which you need to choose the correct idiom.
The answers are given below… no peeking now.

1. His first novel was just   a) a flash in a pan   b) a flash of the pan   c) a flash in the pan

2. I think Philip has…  a) given a shine to  b) taken a shine to  c) got a shine to …his new babysitter

3. I hope you have a good trip and come home  a) safe and soundly  b) sound and safe  c) safe and sound

4. Oh dear! I think I’ve  a) had a foot in it  b) put my foot in it  c) got my foot in it

5. Kate is really noisy, but her best friend is  a) as quiet as a cat  b) as quiet as a mouse  c) as quiet like a mouse


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