30 Grammar Questions!

If you did well with Heteronyms then you’re ready for some grammar… (and if you didn’t – and most didn’t – then have a go anyway) … and by the way, this is not that difficult!

You’ll find the answers with an explanation at the bottom (no peaking).

Question 1: Articles

I have ____ apple on my desk.

a) a b) an c) the

Question 2: Verb Tenses

Yesterday, I _____ to the store.

a) go b) goes c) went d) going

Question 3: Prepositions

She is allergic ____ cats.

a) in b) on c) at d) to

Question 4: Word Order

Arrange the words to form a correct sentence:

the / are / playing / children / park / in / the

a) The children are playing in the park. b) In the park playing are the children. c) Playing in the park are the children. d) The children in the park are playing.

Question 5: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?

a) I eat pizza every Friday. b) She is eating pizza right now. c) They will eat pizza later. d) We have eaten pizza before.

Question 6: Modal Verbs

You _____ still come to the party even if you don’t want to.

a) must b) can c) should d) may

Clue: Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or necessity.

Question 7: Noun Plurals

What is the plural form of “child”?

a) childs b) childes c) child’s d) children

Question 8: Comparative Adjectives

This book is interesting, but that one is _____.

a) more interesting b) interestinger c) interestingest d) interestfuller

Question 9: Reflexive Pronouns

He hurt ____ while playing.

a) himself b) hisself c) him d) he

Question 10: Conditional Sentences

If the sun shines tomorrow, _____.

a) I go for a walk. b) I will go for a walk. c) I went for a walk. d) I go for a walk yesterday.

Question 11: Subject-Verb Agreement

Choose the correct verb form:

The team of players _____ going to the stadium.

a) is b) are c) am d) be

Question 12: Adverbs

Identify the adverb in the sentence:

She speaks English very ____.

a) good b) well c) best d) better

Question 13: Possessive Pronouns

Choose the correct possessive pronoun:

This book is _____, not yours.

a) mine b) my c) me d) I

Question 14: Future Perfect Tense

Complete the sentence with the correct future perfect tense:

By the time we arrive, they _____ dinner ready.

a) will have b) have c) had d) having

Question 15: Conjunctions

Choose the correct conjunction:

I want tea _____ coffee.

a) not b) or c) and d) so

Clue: words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together..

Question 16: Irregular Verbs

Identify the irregular verb in the following list:

a) run b) goed c) swim d) ate

Question 17: Indirect Questions

Change the direct question to an indirect question:

Direct: “Are you coming to the party?”

a) He asked if I am coming to the party. b) He asked if I was coming to the party. c) He asks if I come to the party. d) He asking if I come to the party.

Question 18: Gerunds vs. Infinitives

Which sentence uses a gerund?

a) I like to swim. b) I like swimming. c) I like swim. d) I like swam.

Question 19: Adjective Order

Arrange the adjectives in the correct order:

She has a _____, _____ cat.

a) black, small b) small, black c) black, friendly d) friendly, black

Question 20: Reported Speech

Change the sentence to reported speech:

Direct: She said, “I will call you later.”

a) She says she will call you later. b) She said she will call you later. c) She says she would call you later. d) She said she would call you later.

Question 21: Conditional Sentences

Complete the conditional sentence:

If she _____ to the party, she would have met many interesting people.

a) goes b) went c) will go d) go

Question 22: Phrasal Verbs

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

She decided to _____ a plan to solve the problem.

a) come up with b) come across c) come over d) come into

Question 23: Passive Voice

Change the sentence to passive voice:

The teacher explained the lesson.

a) The lesson was explained by the teacher. b) The lesson is explained by the teacher. c) The lesson will be explained by the teacher. d) The lesson explains by the teacher.

Question 24: Articles

Choose the correct article for the blank space:

I need ____ advice on this matter.

a) a b) an c) the d) –

Question 25: Modal Verbs

Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence:

You _____ finish your homework before watching TV.

a) must b) should c) might d) could

Question 26: Relative Pronouns

Select the correct relative pronoun:

The person _____ won the award is my friend.

a) who b) which c) whom d) whose

Question 27: Conjunctions

Choose the correct conjunction:

I like tea _____ I also like coffee.

a) but b) and c) or d) so

Question 28: Homophones

Choose the correct homophone:

He _____ the ball to the other side of the field.

a) threw b) through c) throe d) thrue

Note: a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling

Question 29: Articles

Choose the correct article for the blank space:

She is _____ architect.

a) a b) an c) the d) –

Question 30: Gerunds vs. Infinitives

Which sentence uses an infinitive?

a) I enjoy reading books. b) I enjoy to read books. c) I enjoy read books. d) I enjoy reads books.

Correct Answer: a) I enjoy reading books. Explanation: The verb “enjoy” is followed by a gerund (reading) rather than an infinitive.


Question 1: Articles

I have ____ apple on my desk.

Correct Answer: b) Explanation: “An” is used before words that begin with a vowel sound, such as “apple.”

Question 2: Verb Tenses

Yesterday, I _____ to the store.

Correct Answer: c) went Explanation: In past tense, the correct form of the verb is “went.”

Question 3: Prepositions

She is allergic ____ cats.

Correct Answer: d) to Explanation: The correct preposition to use with “allergic” is “to.”

Question 4: Word Order

Arrange the words to form a correct sentence:

the / are / playing / children / park / in / the

Correct Answer: a) The children playing are in the park. Explanation: The correct word order is subject (The children) + verb (playing) + location (in the park).

Question 5: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?

Correct Answer: b) She is eating pizza right now. Explanation: The present continuous tense is used for actions happening at the moment.

Question 6: Modal Verbs

You _____ still come to the party even if you don’t want to.

Correct Answer: b) can Explanation: “Can” is used to express ability or permission in this context.

Question 7: Noun Plurals

What is the plural form of “child”?

Correct Answer: d) children Explanation: The plural form of “child” is “children.”

Question 8: Comparative Adjectives

This book is interesting, but that one is _____.

Correct Answer: a) more interesting Explanation: When comparing two things, use “more” + adjective.

Question 9: Reflexive Pronouns

He hurt ____ while playing.

Correct Answer: a) himself Explanation: The correct reflexive pronoun is “himself” when the action reflects back to the subject.

Question 10: Conditional Sentences

If the sun shines tomorrow, _____.

Correct Answer: b) I will go for a walk. Explanation: In a future real conditional, use “will” + base verb.

Question 11: Subject-Verb Agreement

Choose the correct verb form:

The team of players _____ going to the stadium.

Correct Answer: a) is Explanation: When the subject is a team, the verb agrees with the collective noun, so “is” is correct.

Question 12: Adverbs

Identify the adverb in the sentence:

She speaks English very ____.

Correct Answer: b) well Explanation: “Well” is the correct adverb to modify the verb “speaks.”

Question 13: Possessive Pronouns

Choose the correct possessive pronoun:

This book is _____, not yours.

Correct Answer: a) mine Explanation: “Mine” is the possessive pronoun used to show ownership.

Question 14: Future Perfect Tense

Complete the sentence with the correct future perfect tense:

By the time we arrive, they _____ dinner ready.

Correct Answer: a) will have Explanation: The future perfect tense uses “will have” + past participle to express an action completed before a future time.

Question 15: Conjunctions

Choose the correct conjunction:

I want tea _____ not coffee.

Correct Answer: a) but Explanation: “But” is used to show contrast or opposition between tea and coffee.

Question 16: Irregular Verbs

Identify the irregular verb in the following list:

Correct Answer: d) ate Explanation: “Ate” is an irregular verb; the past tense of “eat.”

Question 17: Indirect Questions

Change the direct question to an indirect question:

Direct: “Are you coming to the party?”

Correct Answer: b) He asked if I was coming to the party. Explanation: When converting a direct question to an indirect question, tense changes are required.

Question 18: Gerunds vs. Infinitives

Which sentence uses a gerund?

Correct Answer: b) I like swimming. Explanation: “Swimming” is a gerund, a verb form used as a noun.

Question 19: Adjective Order

Arrange the adjectives in the correct order:

She has a _____, _____ cat.

Correct Answer: b) small, black Explanation: Adjectives are generally ordered by size before color.

Question 20: Reported Speech

Change the sentence to reported speech:

Direct: She said, “I will call you later.”

Correct Answer: d) She said she would call you later. Explanation: When reporting speech, tenses may shift, and “would” is often used for future intentions.

Question 21: Conditional Sentences

Complete the conditional sentence:

If she _____ to the party, she would have met many interesting people.

Correct Answer: b) went Explanation: In a past unreal conditional, “would have” is used with the past tense of the verb.

Question 22: Phrasal Verbs

Choose the correct phrasal verb:

She decided to _____ a plan to solve the problem.

Correct Answer: a) come up with Explanation: “Come up with” means to devise or create a plan or solution.

Question 23: Passive Voice

Change the sentence to passive voice:

The teacher explained the lesson.

Correct Answer: a) The lesson was explained by the teacher. Explanation: In the passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject.

Question 24: Articles

Choose the correct article for the blank space:

I need ____ advice on this matter.

Correct Answer: c) the Explanation: “Advice” is an uncountable noun, and “the” is used before uncountable nouns (You could also have no article…)

Question 25: Modal Verbs

Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence:

You _____ finish your homework before watching TV.

Correct Answer: b) should Explanation: “Should” is used to give advice or express obligation.

Question 26: Relative Pronouns

Select the correct relative pronoun:

The person _____ won the award is my friend.

Correct Answer: a) who Explanation: “Who” is used to refer to people.

Question 27: Conjunctions

Choose the correct conjunction:

I like tea _____ I also like coffee.

Correct Answer: a) but Explanation: “But” is used to express contrast or opposition between two statements.

Question 28: Homophones

Choose the correct homophone:

He _____ the ball to the other side of the field.

Correct Answer: a) threw Explanation: “Threw” is the past tense of the verb “throw.”

Question 29: Articles

Choose the correct article for the blank space:

She is _____ architect.

Correct Answer: b) an Explanation: “Architect” starts with a consonant sound, so “a” is the correct indefinite article.

Question 30: Gerunds vs. Infinitives

Which sentence uses an infinitive?

Correct Answer: a) I enjoy reading books. Explanation: The verb “enjoy” is followed by a gerund (reading) rather than an infinitive.

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