Winter Semester 24-25: The votes are in!!
Last Friday at Braunschweig’s TU, after surviving a winter semester with the usual early starts on Friday mornings, team ‘Regional Studies’ finally voted for their
Last Friday at Braunschweig’s TU, after surviving a winter semester with the usual early starts on Friday mornings, team ‘Regional Studies’ finally voted for their
Last Friday at Braunschweig’s TU, after surviving a gruelling winter semester with starting times at a consistent 8 a.m. on a Friday morning, team ‘Regional
Today’s English Lunchers (17.01.24) will tackle these questions on famous Britons!!The answers are given below (no peaking!). 1. Who is often regarded as the “Father
If you did well with Heteronyms then you’re ready for some grammar… (and if you didn’t – and most didn’t – then have a go
Are you ready for this? You might be disappointed… but let’s be positive (it is new year after all!).All you need to do is read
Are you 73 years old, totally motivated and have been waiting your whole life for that one special job?Have you been ready for your big
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