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Hier finden Sie viele Informationen, die Ihnen helfen werden, Ihr Englisch zu verbessern.
Von grundlegenden Tipps über Diskussionsthemen bis hin zu Witzen und sogar Limericks – es ist für jeden etwas dabei!

Last Friday at Braunschweig’s TU, after surviving a gruelling winter semester with starting times at a consistent 8 a.m. on a Friday …

Today’s English Lunchers (17.01.24) will tackle these questions on famous Britons!!The answers are given below (no peaking!). 1. Who is often regarded …

If you did well with Heteronyms then you’re ready for some grammar… (and if you didn’t – and most didn’t – then …

Are you ready for this? You might be disappointed… but let’s be positive (it is new year after all!).All you need to …

Are you 73 years old, totally motivated and have been waiting your whole life for that one special job?Have you been ready …

No thinking necessary… even if you missed ‘English Lunch’. What name do the English give to easter Friday?Good Friday (easy one, and …

How good is your English when it comes to jokes containing puns? Take this test and enter your results in the comment …

I’ll start by asking you to pronounce “Wodehouse”. If you said anything but “WOOD-house” you’d be wrong. Hopefully you recognise the name …

Hobbies are a relatively modern invention. The further you look back in time the less information you’ll find about hobbies and that …

You probably wouldn’t be surprised to know that there are lots of English idioms about drink and also about being drunk. If …

Last Friday at Braunschweig’s TU, after surviving a gruelling 12-week winter semester with starting times at a consistent 8 a.m. on a …

Today we chatted about some of the books we like or are reading right now (even though the voting for our greatest …

As you hopefully will know, over the last few months – in addition to our regular discussion topics ranging from holidays (last …

In this weeks English Lunch we had two more nominations for our greatest Briton, firstly John Cleese who was Born in 1939 …

Michael Gordon “Mike” Oldfield was born 1953 in Reading (Pronounced Redding!) and is best known for his hit 1973 album Tubular Bells. …

… continuing on our theme of the greatest Briton, today we had two (!) nominations both for the British comedian Rowan Atkinson. …

… this week we had 2 more nominations for our greatest Briton. Firstly George Orwell, the English novelist who is most famous …

This week we had the first nominations and presentations from our feerless English-Lunch participants! All of us very much enjoyed finding out …

Over the coming few months we will be taking a collective closer look at British culture and society! This week I explained …

Over the coming few months we will be taking a collective closer look at British culture and society! I have agreed to …


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